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What i'm about

To live with regrets and wonder about what could have been is to deny the inherent transience of life. The only way to find true purpose and fulfilment is by taking chances and embracing the unknown with daring and courage.  Each opportunity that presents itself is a chance to grow, learn, and discover new aspects of our being. For it is in the daring and the doing that we truly come alive.

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Hello, I'm Sadie, let's get better aquainted...

Firstly, I am definitely a woman rather than a girl. If you're looking for a docile ingénue, turn back now, I would much prefer to meet poeple who are looking for an equal and appreciate some life experience. The type of sex work that is just a repetitive rehashing of tired, predictable, and constraining scripts is not for me. I take the approach that we should just be ourselves, our real selves. I have no expectations of you except that you treat me with respect, and then we can enjoy getting to know each other and discover our unique chemistry. If you're looking for deep conversations, tenderness, and companionship alongside eroticism and some raw sexual energy, then you've possibly found it.

I am a good looking woman who likes to embody simplicity and elegance, with long blonde hair and a sun kissed, freckled complexion; I wear little makeup and tend to wear my hair as it naturally lays, wavy, and slightly undone. My figure is slender yet curvaceous, soft and womanly, and my blue eyes reflect a depth of thought and a curiosity for the world around me, I've been told by different people that they are both "intense" and "kind". Regarding my style of dress, I enjoy dressing according to my own sense of style, whilst of course, being occassion appropriate. I believe that true elegance lies in subtlety rather than extravagance, and I always dress discreetly, my skin is for the bedroom. I am aware that may make me sound a little prudish, but I talk about sexuality with a undeniable frankness that often startles those that misjudge me,

As an introvert, I am slightly reserved with new people, unless you're visibly nervous, as I am very good with the bashful! However, I am an interesting and interested person, and love conversation. I am quite direct and forthright, I don't hold back with regards to my opinions, but I do possess some tact and grace! I am a humble and introspective person at heart, and despite the writing so far pointing to the contrary, I am not one to boast about myself (this website was agonising to write!) My curious nature leads me to constantly seek out new experiences to process and learn from, and I have lived an interesting life of adventure.

I seek clients who are considerate, respectful and appear to have put a little thought into who they are meeting. I am very selective in who I choose to meet, I'm a generous, empathetic soul, and what I do is very important to me, so I want to make sure we are the right fit so you get what you need and I carry on enjoying this.

I care deeply for people, and always try to have faith in their capacity for good. I strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those around me, I am a great lover but also a great friend. I value kindness and compassion, and always seek to extend these qualities to others. Hence why I am so careful who I surround myself with, I have good intuition, but I'm aware of the bad that can be encountered in this line of work, and although to be human is to be flawed, life is too short to spend with overly entitled, spiteful or maliciously deceitful people.

I revel in the freedom that the client/provider dynamic brings to encounters; the release from the commitment of outside roles, responsibilities and traditional expectations means we are free to explore ourselves in a much more vulnerable, honestly uninhibited way. I am a deeply sensual woman and have an endless love for mindful eroticism. When entered into with a spirit of honesty, respect and kindness, I feel that these meetings can be incredibly enriching, even transformative. I do not think escorting needs to be these things, if you are horny, you're horny! However, I know what works for me, and I wouldn't be very good at providing that type of service. I value these unique relationships, be it a special one off, or those I have known for years, and feel grateful that they are part of my life.

I am interested in Tantra and currently practise it in my private life. I also have several years experience with massage training, this is a personal favourite, and I love the feeling of skin on skin. I love to be touched, and kissed, softly and gently. I also have knowledge of Lingam and Yoni massage, and can both perform and teach the basics to you. I have found Tantra and Lingam to be very helpful with anyone suffering from any sexual related anxiety. It can take a little time, but you have my commitment and patience, and it is superb in unfurling connection, true generosity, and vulnerability in your sexuality.


I adore meeting couples, or duos with other providers, however it is important to me that this is an experience that is being undertaken with enthusiasm from all parties. I also meet women alone if you would like to explore one on one first (or you know, just to do something for you.) I am not very kinky, some very light D/S can be fun, but I need time to trust you and decide if I feel comfortable.

I do not discriminate based ethnicity, disability, gender, profession, weight, nationality etc. As a rough guide, I do prefer to meet people over the age of 30, however I have had positive experiences with younger clients who felt they lacked experience or confidence, so it is something I will consider. Please note, I do not feel comfortable seeing anyone younger than 25. 

mature highclass escort
I have always found it difficult to sum up my online identity or 'brand,' and I still struggle to nail it down concisely for succinct marketing purposes. Besides being a very private person and struggling with the hyper-visibility that comes with the promotional aspect of this industry, I also feel uneasy about building expectations of my character as some inevitably superficial archetype. Not to say that I take myself so seriously that I defy definition, I just request that you remember, despite the professional nature of the relationship offered, I am not a simulacrum, there is a fully fleshed human writing these words, and that means complexity, depth, and at times, contradiction.

As for how I came to be the person I am today, as a young woman I was a quiet non-conformist and fiercely independent. I had an insatiable desire to escape my small town and explore what life had to offer. I was determined not to be constrained by the puritanical, repressive norms and values imposed on women (and men!) by a closed-minded, repressed society. I often found myself on the move, experiencing all I could, exploring my sexuality, traveling often, and living in many different places.

This search for freedom and self-discovery was not without its challenges, however, it was through these experiences that I built resilience, a deeper capacity for empathy, and began to understand that for me, true happiness and fulfillment came from embracing my individuality, finding and building connections, and living life on my own terms. I am happy and content with the woman I have become: a kind heart and soul, independent yet still people-focused, and a critical thinker with an open, discerning mind.

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I have had a few careers and spent many years in school. However, I recently completed a second Masters in Psychotherapy alongside Psychology and now work freelance with various organisations. I find this fulfilling, but recently I have been thinking about going back to school to train in something different. Having many strings to my bow feels like a smart move if I have the option, and I like learning. However, please be mindful when asking about work specifics as I have to keep where I work private.

I'm definitely not immune to the allure of the life of luxury, but although it's fun to experience sometimes, after a while, I find the novelty wanes. Whilst I am financially very comfortable, day to day, I enjoy living a relatively simple life. It affords me greater freedom and security, the ability to explore, to be independent, but frankly, the best thing is that I don't have to be anyone's bitch. These are all the ingredients needed to live life to its fullest. I feel very lucky.

I continue now to work as an escort due to something less material. As I get to pick who I meet, I connect with so many really cool, interesting, smart people. I love that I provide space for people where they they can be vulnerable and open, sometimes showing qualities they're afraid to reveal, for whatever reason. I hold an endless amount of secrets (which I will keep to the grave!), and if asked, I love to help people gain confidence in their lovemaking. I adore when I really hit it off with a client, whether it is just an spontaneous  business trips, or my regular relationships. The key to it working is, even if know each other inside out, we always accept our separateness, respecting the distance we have from each others lives. However, in exchange we have that "spark", the fresh excitement you experience from a new crush, always excited to see each other, an eternal courtship.

I love to learn and share with people from all over the world, whether you come to me or I visit you. There is always a new perspective to see or hear, so in a nutshell, this I find this job fascinating and fun.

if you have read all this, thank you and well done! Please put the word "Magpie" in your contact form and I will prioritise getting back to you.

As I've grown older, I've come to a place of self-acceptance and confidence in myself that I never thought possible for the quiet, bookish girl in the chess club! Perhaps it's the liberation that comes with time, or the wisdom that comes from experience. Whatever it is, it seems to have given me a knack for making genuine connections, and establishing chemistry that feels authentic and exhilarating.

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© 2019 Sadie O'Shea High class Independent Escort

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